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After discussing your campaign goals (including segmentation of athletes by sport, gender, location, follower size, etc...), we spend up to 3 days recruiting athletes to be considered for your campaign. We reach out directly to our 5,000+ members as well as a greater audience of 70,000 additional D1 collegiate athletes. We recruit through a combination of SMS, Email and Postgame App notifications.
After recruitment has completed, we provide the brand with an extensive list of the athletes who have opted-in for consideration. The list is sorted by athlete value - determined in part by our own calculations and past history of having worked with the athlete(s).
During this phase we offer suggestions in order to help maximize the brands' budget.
After selections have been made, Postgame begins negotiating with each athlete and/or their agent. Our experience of working with thousands of college athletes gives us a strong sense of their worth - allowing us to expedite the process with a fair offer - and one that makes the best use of the brands budget.
After the offer has been accepted by the athlete, we generate a custom contract between us and the athlete that includes campaign expectations, payment, content rights, and more.
Each college expects the athlete to submit a contract to their respective compliance office prior to participating in a campaign and receiving payment.
Athletes - Download the App!
View our Instagram Tagged feed to view thousands of examples of UGC content by college athletes! Don't forget to also visit our main feed for elevated content examples
Postgame recently launched our player portal of 60,000+ college athletes to allow our brand partners to research our network. Currently in beta - the portal is evolving to also give our member athletes the ability to manage their new 'influencer business' by showcasing recent NIL campaigns.
For brands looking to do larger scale campaigns, we strongly suggest scheduling a call to discuss the advantages to having Postgame manage your campaign. Let's talk strategy too!
Postgame Member
Keshad Johnson - SDSU - Men's Basketball
Player Portal
Brands interested in smaller influencer campaigns (<10 athletes) with college athletes are encouraged to use the Postgame player portal - free of charge. Stop paying for access to influencer marketplaces and/or limiting yourself to athletes within specific college exchanges. Open up your campaign to every college athlete without any added costs or limitations on who you would like to work with.
For larger scale campaigns that present more challenges (recruitment, negotiation, player management, payment, tax implications...), we suggest you consider our full service offering. Contact Us for more information.
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